"The bed was for the tourists. They also bought, as well as other items such as bags, "said Aman Jazali, sikerei inhabiting these custom homes. Sikerei is a ceremonial leader.

Exoticism of Butui is still beautiful journey to achieve it, namely taking pompong-wooden boat with outboard engine, for about four hours from Muara Siberut, the capital district of South Siberut, toward the village of Madobag. From Madobag, about 1.5 hours walking through the forest to get to the uma. While Muara Siberut is within a motor boat ride for 10-12 hours from Padang, West Sumatra.

"When you stay, tour guides and foreign tourists are often taught me and my family," said an unschooled Jazali school. While her three children now learn in school forests managed by a monk because formal schools are far from Uma.
The presence of foreign visitors also made a number of places in

Waves in the Mentawai Islands surf-by various organizations-is a universal third best after Hawaii and Tahiti.
Surf Mentawai.. In Mentawai, surf Nyangnyang usually done on the Island, the Coral body of, Masilok, Botik, and Mainuk. The peak tourist visit there in July and August. When the height of waves in the Mentawai reaches 7 meters.

In addition to beautiful, Mentawai also important for conservation. Since 1981, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural (UNESCO) set of Siberut in the Mentawai Islands as one of biosphere reserves so that its existence must be protected and kept away from exploitative.

To investigate the wealth of this Mentawai primates, Primate Center University of Gottingen, Germany, in cooperation with the Bogor Institute of Agriculture founded the Siberut Conservation Project.

by : nopex wu jian hao